Class Offerings
We offer the following classes:
3 Day (2.5 - 3.5 year olds)
4 Day (3.5 - 5 year olds)
5 Day (4.5 - 5 year olds)
There are five preschool classes and a total enrollment capacity of 78 children.
Enrollment Cutoff Dates
To enroll in Silo Center Preschool your child must turn 2 by March 31st
To enroll in the 4 day, 3.5 year old class, your child must turn 3 by March 31st
To enroll in the 4 day, 4 year old class, your child must turn 4 by September 30th
To enroll in the 5 day, 4.5 year old class, your child must turn 4 by March 31st

Class Hours

All classes are held from 9:15 am-1:15 pm with an optional, extended care program, The Barnyard Club.
Mandatory Kiss & Ride will run for drop-off and pick-up each day. The Silo Center's Kiss & Ride traffic pattern has been approved by Fairfax County.
Morning Kiss & Ride begins at 9:15 am and ends promptly at 9:30 am.
Afternoon Kiss & Ride begins at 1:15 pm.
Walkin' Wednesdays occur during pick-up on weather friendly Wednesday afternoons. Parents/Guardians will park their vehicle and walk in to pick up their child(ren).

Barnyard Club
We offer an optional, extended care program four days a week called The Barnyard Club. Our Barnyard Club is for 3-5 year olds who are successfully potty trained. Barnyard is offered every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday till 3:15 pm. The children have extra time to socialize and play and you have extra time to accomplish tasks. You may register your child with a permanent reservation at a rate of $15 a day or a drop-in reservation at a rate of $17 a day. You are billed monthly for any Barnyard Club charges. Permanent reservations are billed prior to each month regardless of usage. Drop-in charges are billed after usage.

Class Assignments
Class assignments will be determined in late August. Each confirmed registration will receive a Class Assignment Letter via email. NEW FAMILIES ONLY will need to drop by for Parent Packet Pick-Up Day in late August. You will receive forms to complete and clothing bags to fill. You will return the forms and filled bags during Parent/Child Orientation.
As required by the Commonwealth of Virginia, each preschooler must have on file:
Virginia School Entrance Health Form completed and signed by both the parent and the physician, including immunizations. You may download the Health Form by clicking here.
A copy of your child’s original birth certificate or passport. We will make a copy of the document and return the original immediately. We must verify that the original certificate was presented.
Your child will not be permitted to attend preschool without the above documents on file within the preschool office.

Curriculum & Schedule
We do not allow ourselves to be confined within a box and only follow the parameters of a single curriculum. Although we rely heavily upon The Creative Curriculum, many other valuable resources are housed within the Silo Center that we use on a regular basis. We are constantly consuming the latest research in child development and benefit from partnerships with surrounding schools’ liaisons to ensure we are staying abreast of developmentally appropriate practices which ensure kindergarten readiness.

Spiritual Development
Each week all classes attend Kids' Church together for a lively, interactive time of worship and praise. The teachers are encouraged to integrate that story or use any other Bible stories in their daily activities. We pray before snack and lunch. All the teachers and teachers' aides are Christians from varying denominations. They are comfortable with teaching that God created us and loves us all and that Jesus is God's son. A relaxed and natural reference to God's teachings will be a normal part of our everyday practice.

Silo Center Giving Initiatives
Throughout the year, our Silo Center Programs partner with Hope For Help, the umbrella organization for all giving initiatives and community outreach at New Hope Church. The volunteers for Hope For Help are heavily invested in knowing the needs of those struggling to provide for their families both here in our community and around the world. We all believe that helping others in need is not just a religious issue; it is a humanitarian issue for which we are all responsible. At The Silo Center, we unashamedly strive to educate our children and families on both hunger awareness and other basic needs for which we can help provide. We believe that we can be and should be the solution to help meet the needs of the truly needy people in this world that simply don’t have the resources to provide the basic necessities of life such as food and clothing. To that end, we hold a number of giving initiatives throughout the school year. It is important to us that you know our initiatives are never about getting more stuff for our facility or programs, but rather they are always about giving to help others.
We thank you in advance for allowing us the opportunity to partner with you in teaching your children the core value of helping others in need. Our hope is that we would all fully embrace both the desperate needs of those in our community and those across the globe and understand the opportunity we have to help them. The result will be the joy of seeing our children develop as selfless individuals as they learn to put others' needs ahead of their wants. When each of us gives just a little, it is multiplied and has a great impact. This is an incredible lesson for children and adults alike.